I received my PhD in Computer Science at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa. My doctoral work was under the supervision of Prof. Jochen Lang, and co-supervised by Prof. Robert Laganière. During my studies I was a member of the VIVA research laboratory.

My research areas are Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine and Deep Learning with projects on shape analysis, object detection, tracking, people detection, re-identification, and metric learning problems.



Ph.D Thesis:
Efficient Feature Extraction for Shape Analysis, Object Detection and Tracking.
2016 | uO Research - Defense Presentation (PDF)

Efficient feature extraction techniques are a relevant topic in computer vision and image processing applications. The presented algorithms are relevant to research areas such as shape analysis, object detection and tracking. Two scenarios are considered: first, the creation of efficient feature extraction algorithms and second, the improvement of object detection and localization solutions by means of these algorithms.

Master Thesis:
Towards Feature Detection based on Morphology of Objects on Image.
2010 | uO Research - Defense Presentation (PDF)

This thesis presents a line segment extraction algorithm for computer vision, image segmentation and shape recognition applications. Its easy implementation, speed, automatic parameter selection and ability to generate line segments from objects are key features of the proposed approach.

The papers and theses linked above are protected by copyright from different copyright holders.




2010 - 2016
University of Ottawa
Ph.D in Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Ottawa, Canada

Supervisor: Prof. Jochen Lang
Co-supervisor: Prof. Robert Laganière

2009 - 2010
University of Ottawa
Master of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Ottawa, Canada

Supervisor: Prof. Amiya Nayak

2001 - 2006
University of Habana
Bachelor of Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Havana, Cuba

Supervisor: Prof. Yoel de la Noval


Teaching Assistant
2009 - 2015
University of Ottawa, Canada
Introduction to Computing I (Python)
ITI 1120 | Fall 2015
Operative Systems
CSI 3331 | Summer 2015
Programming Paradigms
CSI 2120 | Winter 20{11|15}
Introduction to Computing II
ITI 1121 - Java | Winter 2014
Advanced Programming Concepts in C++11
CSI 2372 | Fall 20{10|12|14}
Introduction to Computing I (Java)
ITI 1120 | Fall 2013

Teaching Assistant
2006 - 2008
University of Havana, Cuba
Object Oriented Programming with Java and C#
Apr-June 200{7|8}
Network Administration in GNU/Linux
Sept-Nov 200{6|7}
Relational Database Model Concepts
Sept-Nov 2007
Microsoft Office Tools (Word, Excel, Access)
Apr-June 2006


Andrés Solís Montero

Lead Data Scientist

Statistics Canada, Data Science Division
R. H. Coats Building, 100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0T6.


Thanks to Graphic Designer Sandra Haug Morales for her guidance and input during the creation of this website.

Also worth mentioning: GitHub, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, json2html, and bibtex_js.